March 17, 2009

It's a BOY!!

Finally..Kak Lin gave birth to a healthy baby boy two days ago in Hospital Muar where she's currently working at.. The first grandchild in the family and I am officially an Aunty, eh Kakak should have sufficed. Thank God it's not kembar 4. hehe. can't wait to see him already..

I asked my sis how does it feels ...she beranak..macam gitu-gitu je rasa dia..

gitu2? boleh plak...

shh..i'm sleeping here

Forgot to ask his name...duh

*Man U kalah 4-1 to the Kops. Saja kasi peluang kelab lain nak merasa menang sekali sekala..heheh

9 footprint(s):

haundem said...

comel nye!! sampaikan salam tahniah utk kakak k?

mase tgk man U kalah tu, teringt je kat aja, sure frust gile haha...hasan suka je man u kalah

p/s ingt nak copy paste je email zaza, rupanye blog aja xleh gitu, tp dh add la

Anonymous said...

Glory Hunters mmg cenggitu kan? Non-admittance syndrome. Kalau kalah tak penah nak ngaku "Ye, team saya main sangat teruk aritu. Memang patut kalah..." Ada jela excuses...

Cuba tgk cam aku ni...if arsenal kalah bcos they play crap, i'd just admit "arsenal played rubbish the other day thats why we lost"...u own up to your own shortcomings. that's wot adults do. but i guess glory hunters are not adults, they are just (narf accent mode) a booonch of fooking ugly fags eh! hehehe...chill ;-)

ckp byk2 ni nanti arsenal kalah pulak. Hahaha

~Serenity~ said...

syitah- ok, Insya-Allah..kita pun tak jumpa lg baby tu.cess hasan sokong apa ek.ragbi je kot.ahaks.

syitah bila lagi nak menimang cahaya matamu?heheh

Nadia: hahahah...yeah we lose but we, man unites always take it positively cos we are adult. macam bobby charlton ckp the defeat can prove a blessing in disguise.the liverpopoo may have the battle last week but they can never win the war.

sebab dah selaluuuu sangat menang sometimes kekalahan itu mengujakan.aku gelak je la masa man u kalah tu even mcm rasa magic camne liv blh masukkan gol keempat tu n walaupun byk msg hampeh yg diterima dari anti-red devil supporters.itu semua politik je tu sblm man u ke final.hahah

org2 liverpopoo sure kompem teruja giler2 masa menang nak2 ngn man u maklumla menang ngn champion-of all-time tapi kita tgk nnti who's gonna be to final.

kita tgk camne ars-sengal main lwn newcastle lak nnti yek..glory2..;)

Nikeda said...

ahahah... aja, u read my mind! eh, aja, leh tak tlg aku mintak tlg syitah invite blog... hahaha... satu hari bukak tetiba ckp invitation olny...

arie:) said...

congrats kerana telah menjadi seorang auntie! tak lama ko pulak..

Anonymous said...

Liverpool can never win the war??? I think that perhaps u wanna rephrase that before KOPites hentam u with all their statistical history. After all they are not regarded as Kings of Premiership by everyone for nothing.

champions of all time? research beb, research...

Man U
Premier League - 10
FA Cup - 11
League Cup - 2
Champions League - 3
Euro Super Cup - 1
World Club - 1
Total: 28 Cups

Premier League - 18
FA Cup - 7
League Cup - 7
Champions League - 5
Euro Super Cup - 3
Total : 40 Cups.

I'll let history speaks for itself ;-)

Tasnim said...

baby kaklin tu comey mcm uncle die kn??i mean uncle yg tulih comment ni..*ehem2

Pipiyapong Abdillah Hamzah said...

Huish dah beranak? Aok bila nak beranak?
Cis buat buat kalah konon..

~Serenity~ said...

nik- Syitahhh!!invitekan nick skali. nik bagi email puhlizzz...hehe.nnti aku bgtau syitah.

arie- trimas2.aku berbangga bergelar auntie..aku lambat lg. skang i nak maintain body lg. kang beranak takut terlebih kg pulak.hohoh.

nadia- nak kaji stats nie..

Man U
Premier League - 10
FA Cup - 11
League Cup - 2
Champions League - 3
Euro Super Cup - 1
World Club - 1
Total: 28 Cups

Premier League - 18
FA Cup - 7
League Cup - 7
Champions League - 5
Euro Super Cup - 3
Total : 40 Cups.

hmm..wlaupun liv lebih byk cups dapat, tapi credit utk man u la at least sbb penah ada world club dalam tangan tuu. still champion-of -all. lately sejak akhir2 ni esp 2 seasons kebelakangan ni aku tgk man u semakin hebat pulak.tak nmpak pulak bayang liv atas takhta semua liga.heheh..hmmm...takpe, aku harap man u akan tetap maintain supaya lebih byk keriakan yang akn ditunjukkan oleh man unites lps ni.haha

man u target nak sapu bersih 5 piala thn u akn pastikan liverpopoo will never wank alone..huhu

Anim- comey mcm uncle die? puke..puke..

Pipiyapong- haah dah.kome dah beranak la.beranak kucing. haah buat2 kalah je.politik epl, biasala. nemanja vidic saje buat2 dapat kad merah sbb nak berehat pulak katanya.

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