October 12, 2007

Salam Syawal..

Original: Sharbohara
Poet: Kazi Nazrul Islam [1899-1976]
Translation: Mohammad Omar Farooq

I have brought the message of Allah
through the Eid's crescent that shines above,
We will break our fast with all those treasured surplus
during this Ramadan - a month we all love.

Everyone will eat and satisfy their hunger
during this Eid celebration,
Don't despair and resign; rather loot
your share of the blessings of God in rightful jubilation.

Ramadhan is over..esok raya..I'm not even sure I deserve to be celebrating after a dismal performance worship-wise. Hmm..human being. Always regret for something when it's gone. But, Alhamdulillah, this Ramadhan is a better experience for me compared to previous years.Will be missing the tarawikh, the buka puasa and of cos the sahur..^^Hope Allah will grant us more years to have a better Ramadhan in the future. Wishing u all a very happy Eid..Mohon ampun maaf segala salah silap, tingkah yang menyakitkan, hati yang berprasangka, pincang butir bicara,segala-galanya, jika ada...Hidup ini jadi lebih indah jika masih ada rasa maaf.. Salam lebaran,kepada yang membaca,sudi2 datang ke rumah..ciao..

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