Weekend's highlight
Last weekend tido rumah Miey kat Shah Alam. Miey ajak tgk rugby tournament kat Stadium PJ sebab dapat pas free. Dengan semangatnye pegila walaupun kitorang tak tau pape pun pasal rules game ni even cara nak main pon.Hehe org sorak kite pon sorak.Tapi tournament ni best sebab other countries pun join jugak.2 hari melayan game ni.Dapat tgk team dari New Zealand buat tarian Haka pon jadila.Anyway zillion thanx to Miey sbb menumpangkan tmpt tido, menumpangkan kereta,bawak gi makan, tengok wayang dan sewaktu dengannye.Jasamu dikenang...Okla since I've been tagged by Miey kena la jugak buat bende ni dengan rela hati..:p
1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question.
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the question.
4.) NO CHEATING!!!The questions and my answers:
1.) How am I feeling today? My heart-Irwansyah n Acha-hmm..only my heart knows
2.) Where will I get married? Someday-Britney Spears-haah someday..
3.) What is my best friend's theme song?If you're not the one-Daniel Beddingfield-ye kot,lagu faveret rumet duluni
4.) What is/was highschool like? Miss u like crazy-Moffats-miss zmn sekolah like crazy!!
5.) What is the best thing about me? Don't tell me-Avril Lavigne-tak yah bagitau,simpanjela
6.) How is today going to be-Tak ada logika-Agnes Monica-biar betul..
7.) What is in store for this weekend?)Dealova-Once-glemer btl laguni
8.) What song describes my parents? Cinta tak berganti-ct nurhaliza-yep cinta parents mmg takde gantinye
9.) How is my life going? Far away-Nickelback-right, my life is still far
10.) What song will they play at my funeral? Pejam matamu-ct nurhaliza-haha lirik xde kene mengena pun
11.) How does the world see me? Cobalah utk setia-Krisdayanti-apeni??
12.) What do my friends really think of me?Menanti sebuah jawaban-Padi-ish..lain mcm je
13) Do people secretly lust after me? First love-Utada hikaru-ye ke?
14.) How can I make myself happy?-Kenangan terindah-Samson-ingat kenangan dulu2 pun blh buat kite happy
15.) What should I do with my life? Cuba utk mengerti-ct nurhaliza-hmm..nak cuba paham kite hidupni sbnarnye utk ape
16.) Will I ever have children? Demi waktu-Ungu-hehe the time will come..
17.) What is some good advice? Bila Harus memilih-ct nurhaliza-.nak buat pilihan utk ape?-nasihat yg x bagus
18.) What do I think my current theme song is? Stars are blind-Paris Hilton-uish camne lagu minah ni boleh sesat dlm playlist ni..stars are blind but they can blink ^_^
19.) What does everyone else think my current life? You n me-Lifehouse-belum lagi kot
20.) What type of men/women do you like? U belong to me-OST Shrek-hehe yela tu
21.) Will you get married? Pastikan-ct nurhaliza-yep,kene pastikan duluni
22.) What should I do with my love life? Biarlah rahsia-ct nurhaliza-haah biarlah rahsiaje
23.) Where will you live? Leaving on the jet plane-Linda AF-haha kebetulan je,tapi taknakla..
24.) What will your dying words be? Blind-lifehouse-lagu ni best jugak..:)
25.) When im having sex i say.. Hati berbisik-ct nurhaliza-ish byk pulak lagu ct dlm list ni
26.) When I meet a guy for the first time i say.. -Before I fall in love-Coco Lee-someone to stay around thru all my ups n down-kene make sure duluni
27.) When my parents are angry i say..- I'll be- Edwin Mcain-best laguni-yep I'll be a good daughter
Miey tu jela lagu yg currently played kat playlist tu.Am I answering the questions accordingly??huhu..
Cats in Bloom 2025
4 weeks ago
3 footprint(s):
aja..gi tgk ragbi eh..aku gi la cobra match tu.aku gi hari ahad ptg tgk final x nmpak hang pon..tapi nice blog..pinkish..pinkish..
tak tgk final pon ptg tu..bob ni sape ye..
sampai ati hang dah lupe kat aku..aku yg same progrm pgg ngn hang pon x ingt.taula diriku siapa..masih bertapa kat uia yg penuh pancarobani.kene pegi lecture lg..Hang lain la..:(
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