Not much to blog about just on Hana's development .Btw my baby turned 10 months recently. She's now expert in crawling around the house, pulling herself up to standing that still need extra vigilance, climbing the stairs and cruising the furniture. She loves to cruise along the furniture we had to sell our teak sofa sets since they got sharp edges that may create hazards to Hana. Ok, that justified reason to buy a new one.hehe.
Part of the sofa set that were sold within 3 days after hubby advertised em in so mudah..Just ignore the little explorer behind the sofa ;p
Hana is 10 months ...
On a different note, went to office annual dinner last Friday night. Didn't get the chance to join the dinner last year since I was expecting Hana. The theme was glamorous night, I seriously have no idea on what to wear but thanks to FashionValet, their Radzwan Radziwil's kaftan caught my eyes although I need to cut em off for a good 6 inches..;p Go check their website, feast your eyes and itchy hands clicking their lines of local and designer's brands.
Basically the night was filled with laughters, karaoke, food and camwhoring. There were nominees like the best dress, the most masculine etc like an Oscar. I cant believe was dragged on the stage by colleagues and sang our discordant version of Untukmu, Feminin. Yeah like those old days...And thanks to hubby for taking care of Hana on that particular night..You're simply the best..;D

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