August 01, 2011


Hows your fasting today?Mine is pretty much under control besides worrying too much that it will deplete my milk supply for Hana. Yups i am very concern about doing this whilst I am still exclusively breastfeeding..I have read numerous articles mentioning that nursing while fasting somehow will not only affect the quantity but also the quality of the breast milk. Hana's turning 6 month old this month and I'm about to start giving her solid so she has other eating option besides milk especially during this fasting month. So there's other alternatives, there is no reasonable excuse not to fast although breastfeed women have that special permission during Ramadhan..hehe.

I think as long as I don't skip sahur and drink plenty of water I'll be fine.;)

So happy fasting everyone and let's make the best of it since we've been given another opportunity by Him to experience this again.
Feasting your eyes on the first Ramadhan with this delicious red velvet I ordered from Yantie. She baked the yummiest RV that really suits my tastebud at least..;p *salivating already*

RV anyone??

Terdapat 58 balasan pahala untuk wanita dan 3 di antaranya ialah:

1) " Wanita yang memberi minum susu kepada anaknya dari badannya (susu badan) akan mendapat satu pahala dari tiap - tiap titik susu yang diberikannya."

2) "Jika wanita menyusui anaknya sehingga 2 1/2 tahun maka malaikat-malaikat di langit akan khabarkan berita bahawa syurga wajib baginya."

3) "Jika wanita memberi susu badan kepada anaknya yang menangis Allah akan memberi pahala satu tahun solat & puasa"

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