She's particularly don't do anything bad towards me but sometimes her "I'm the boss here anyway" attitude is just super annoying.. This lady currently not in speaking term with my clerk and she drags me along with this problem. She asked me to stay away from this clerk and instead of neutralize everything to normal as a boss she just make things worst. She's been so paranoid of the whole thing, and whenever the clerk get into my room to send files and asks questions relating to work, she keeps buzzing my phone asking what the clerk told me as if we have nothing else to do but bitching her. She said she want to 'pressure' the clerk to leave the firm by any means that her immature little brain can think of. Now I'm bitching her since she asked me to move to another room so she can see whether the clerk has guts to talk to me about her again.Of cos not a single word. Because by using her absolute veto power, she forced me to move into HER ROOM!!!she'd put extra table in!!!Psychoo..
I need some space and air.I feel I want to scream and bitching at her but those words only echoed in my heart..duh.
4 footprint(s):
i would have slapped her . hahaha. why dont you submit a complaint to the big boss? suke ati je nk black mail org suh berenti. bytch.. oops ;)
knapa tak jeritje betul2 kat pompuan tu.i hate office yg innocent mcm kitanila yg selalu jd masa politics sucks,bosses are sucker...
kadang-kadang kehidupan memang kejam. tetapi kejamnya hidup itu biasa. kejam manusia yang melakonkan watak cerita kehidupan kadang kala luar biasa. kejam adalah perkara jangan; diri atau orang lain.
"Hidup bukan sekadar ketawa kerana setitis air mata cukup berharga. Juga bukan untuk menangis kerana sebuah senyuman itu cukup indah untuk dinikmati"
cherie@muna- submit to the big boss??fat big boss is somehow stupid,all he can thinks is money 27 hours rather than the staff's welfare.hehe suka ati je ckp org stupid..;p
nana-selagi boleh tahan,dok diam2 jela dulu.sakit ati jugak,tp saberrr jela.
kertas_putih-thanx for the inspirational words..;)
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